Canada Stores Malls Open/Closed Remembrance Day

March 23, 2025

“Are the stores and shopping malls in Canada open on Remembrance Day?” That depends on where you are. Stores and malls in some provinces are allowed to open. In other provinces, retailers are required to remain closed on Monday, November 11, 2025.

I am by no means an expert on this. But here are the rules as I understand them and to the best of my knowledge:

ALBERTA: There are no laws in Alberta which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. If the store is located within a mall, the common rules of the shopping center must be followed. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across Alberta will be OPEN on November 11.

BRITISH COLUMBIA: There are no laws in British Columbia which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. If the store is located within a mall, the common rules of the shopping center must be followed. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across British Columbia will be OPEN on November 11.

MANITOBA: Provincial law prohibits most retailers from being open between 9:00AM and 1:00PM on Remembrance Day. Typically, stores and shopping malls will remain closed until 1:00PM on November 11, rather than opening earlier and having to close during these 4 hours.

NEW BRUNSWICK: Provincial law prohibits most retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores and shopping malls across New Brunswick will be CLOSED on November 11.

NEWFOUNDLAND/LABRADOR: Provincial law prohibits most retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores and shopping malls across Newfoundland/Labrador will be CLOSED on November 11.

NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: There are no laws in the Northwest Territories which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. If the store is located within a mall, the common rules of the shopping center must be followed. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across the Northwest Territories will be OPEN on November 11.

NOVA SCOTIA: Provincial law prohibits most retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores and shopping malls across Nova Scotia will be CLOSED on November 11.

NUNAVUT: There are no laws in Nunavut which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across Nunavut will be OPEN on November 11.

ONTARIO: There are no laws in Ontario which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. However, some cities do prohibit opening before 12:30PM on this day. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across Ontario will be OPEN on November 11.

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Provincial law prohibits most retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across P.E.I. will be CLOSED on November 11. Also, don’t forget that most Prince Edward Island retailers are required by law to be closed on Sunday.

QUEBEC: There are no laws in Quebec which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across Ontario will be OPEN on November 11.

SASKATCHEWAN: There are no laws in Saskatchewan which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across Saskatchewan will be OPEN on November 11.

YUKON: There are no laws in the Yukon which prohibit retailers from being open on Remembrance Day. If the store is located within a mall, the common rules of the shopping center must be followed. Most stores, shopping malls, and restaurants across Yukon will be OPEN on November 11.

As always, be sure to give a friendly call to your favorite store or mall to confirm holiday holiday hours of operation before venturing out on Monday, November 11. If you know of additions or exceptions to these rules, please share with us. Happy Remembrance Day 2025, Canada!